Tips for planting Spring bulbs

Order and plant bulbs in Autumn for a lovely fresh show of colour in the Spring. Here are some ideas you may like to take on board:

  1. Narcissi and allium should be planted in late September/Oct.  Don’t buy too many, remember you have to dig holes and plant them!

  2. Look at the flowering dates of the bulbs when choosing them to ensure you have a succession of flowers.  Some will flower as late as May (eg Pheasant’s  Eye Narcissus)

  3. Check the flowering height or flower size (in the case of allium) and perhaps choose narcissi that are scented.

  4. Try a bulb lasagne. I like to choose bulbs which flower at different times so there is always a good display in the pot for several weeks if not months.  A combination that I have been pleased with was muscari  (March) , narcissi Sir Winston Churchill (April) , tulip Menton (May). For maximum impact  plant bulbs closely (think eggs in an egg box)

  5. If you are struggling for space in your borders, don’t forget to make use of your lawn or under a tree or in a patio pot. In the lawn, I dig a square of turf, dig out soil to a depth of 3 x bulb height and lay the bulbs, pointy side up and then fill  back up with the excavated soil.  You are left with a bit of a hump but it soon settles back into place.

  6. Tulips are best planted in late November. Remember these are rarely as good after their first year so are an expensive investment.  Don’t get too carried away with your order!.  


Garden tips in August